The need for love and belonging is the strongest of the basic psychological
needs, according to William Glasser's Choice Theory. Our spouses, partners, family, and friends satisfy the need for love and
belonging. So do groups, clubs, organizations, sports, and workplaces. It’s
about love, relationships, giving and receiving affection, social connections, and
being part of a group.

As with all basic needs, everyone has them, but the degree
or the intensity varies from person to person. In the workplace, we see those
who have a lower need for love and belonging may prefer to work on their own
and perhaps take their lunch out under a tree and sit alone to eat. Someone
with a higher need may gather friends around a table at lunch time or suggest
going out with one or more co-workers. These are the folks who might talk about
their personal lives and become friends outside of work.
If you have a high level of need for love and belonging and
are partnered with someone who has a much lower need, you may find yourself
hanging onto your loved one to a point of annoyance to them. Since one person
cannot be everything to a partner, seeking friends and groups outside the
couple may be the way to get both parties’ needs met and sustain their relationship.

As a level 5, with a high need, I satisfy it by meeting up
with individual friends for coffee and being involved in groups such as my
writing club and the American Association of University Women (AAUW). I
facilitate writing classes and attend conferences that help me personally and
What’s your level of need for love and belonging? your mate’s?
your close family members’? How do you and they get this vital need satisfied?
Which people or groups are instrumental in getting your requirement for love
and belonging met? Working to see that each person's needs are met keeps our loved ones close.
~ xoA ~