I love getting
together for a chat with a friend over a cuppa coffee or tea. Time together without distractions lets me concentrate on the person I’m
with and really hear his or her stories. We get to catch up on each others’
lives and continue cultivating our friendship.
Picking up from
where we left off last time, it's as if it was only yesterday since we were together. News about family,
travels, business ventures, health issues, and our latest projects take center
stage. How are the grandchildren? How’s the new knee doing? What are you
writing? We exchange ideas about world events and discuss future plans. Where’s
your next trip?
We celebrate our blessings and console each other over the bad stuff. We ask for help. And,
we figure out what we can do to give it. The time and the talk demonstrate our
importance to each other.
Many of us lead busy, full lives. I’ve
learned that touching base by phone or email, and finding an hour or so to get together, ensure that I can keep up with my peeps in person. Tending to friendships
means making time for friends in our lives. When time together is a priority,
the friendship becomes richer and deeper.
Though the staff
at Starbucks or Camille’s or Panera Bread may begin to recognize me on sight, they shouldn't think it’s about my desire for coffee. It’s all about my love of connecting and having
face-to-face time with friends.
When have you had time with a friend?
When have you had time with a friend?
~ xoA ~