“All seasons have something to offer.” ― Jeannette
Walls, The Glass Castle
Summer, Fall, Winter, Spring. We can count on the seasons
like clockwork to follow each other. We can compare and predict. “It’s going to
be a harsh winter.” Or, “We had no Spring—went right into Summer.”
Life’s seasons,
though, are non-linear. They may be sudden and random. And we can never predict
their duration. The seasons become a metaphor, a symbol, for how our lives play
With the seasons of the year, we know what to expect. Every
school kid knows the rotation as the seasons influence the curriculum.
Elementary school students may visit a pumpkin patch or farm to buy anticipated
jack-o’-lanterns. They often re-enact the story of the Pilgrims and the first
Thanksgiving, then make paper snowflakes to paste on their windows. Later in the
school year, as Spring approaches, they may plant small classroom gardens. Lessons in any subject may be enhanced by incorporating
the seasons.
But with regard to life’s seasons, within days or even
hours, we can experience every one. They often catch us by surprise, and though
we deal with them, we may not see the seasons as a metaphor right then. That
insight comes later, upon reflection.
Summer – When we are carefree and relaxed,
when experiences, people, and places are welcomed and enjoyed.
Fall – We’re in contemplation and
preparation, harvesting ideas or gathering things we’ll need to carry on. Or
move forward.
Winter – Which we find challenging, even
difficult, yet filled with blessings. Blessings that we may not see until
Spring –
The season that always follows winter with light and new life, with hope,
renewal, and possibilities. We catch our breath and consider the wonder and
blessings Winter provided.
Life’s seasons may change as often or as fast as the Santa
Ana winds. We wake up in Summer – all is great and we are happy. Life is going
our way. Within hours, there’s a SNAFU
and we feel the ice of Winter. Then we’re in Fall as we react, marshal our
resources, figure out a plan and begin executing it. Sometimes, we must develop
alternate ideas before we reach Spring. But soon Summer is on the way again,
and we bask in its goodness.
There’s no prescribed time for moving through Life’s
seasons. But, if we recognize them and realize they will
change, we can endure and grow. We understand we don’t have to languish in Winter.
We know that as night follows day, the Spring will come.