Daymaker - a person who performs acts of kindness with the intention of making the world a better place.
~ David Wagner
, author of Life as a Daymaker; how to change the world by making someone's day ~

DayMaker - any thought, word, or deed that spreads happiness, compassion, or fruitful ideas.
~ Annis Cassells ~

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Inject some Fun

When times are tough in our busy lives, fun is one of the first things to be stricken from the daily schedule. But fun is one of the innate, basic needs of humans and other living beings.
Observe a child, a puppy, a kitten. Their job is playing. Through play, they have fun while they learn about the world. Many of us have been taught that to be mature, we have to behave a certain way – go to work, be serious, keep a rigorous schedule, grow up! And, we forget about fun.

Then in our later years, often in retirement, we return to the notion of life being fun. Did you ever notice how much younger retirees appear and behave a short time after they've been away from work? Their stress level has plummeted and their fun factor has increased.

The prescription for more enjoyment and less stress is FUN. Think of an activity that you love. Then, make time to do it on a regular basis. It doesn't have to be huge, expensive, or far away -- something that you find enjoyable. It could be hiking in the park or woods, gardening, taking a luxurious bubble bath, or having coffee with a friend. Maybe baking, dancing, reading a book, going to a concert, or strolling along and browsing in shops makes you happy. Whatever it is, make time for fun every day. It's the new antioxidant.

What's fun for you? What fun thing can you inject into your schedule today?


  1. I totally agree. I haven't had time for fun yet today, but I plan on doing a little something before the day is over :-)

  2. Ah...I watched the Green Bay Packers win the NFC Championship. That was fun for me today! :-)

  3. Lana said...
    Learning to flirt again, way fun! Next is laughing out loud

  4. Well I never thought I would say this, but going to the gym was fun for me today! I had an awesome workout and "injected" a little something extra into it that I had been wanting to for a while. (Not steroids, by the way... LOL) Thanks for the FUN reminder, Daymaker!!
